Tuesday, May 3, 2016

I made it!!!!....to Day 2.

You're supposed to celebrate the little victories right? I made it to Day 2!!!

I'm not sure what is entirely different from working out this time vs. all the other million times I tried. I think part of me was trying to prove something to myself and others, which ultimately backfired...essentially I was doing it for the wrong reasons. I know....how could working out for the wrong reasons be a bad thing? Well for one when I was working out in the past, I wasn't really pushing hard enough. I didn't really have a drive or the right drive. I was just like a shell.....casing on the outside but hollow on the inside. This time, I feel like I am truly doing this for me and no one else. I really want to build muscle to where my arms are more defined and my legs can run a half marathon properly. I want to have abs and not suck in my stomach all the time because I am worried about what others think (something I am overcoming too).

Surprisingly enough, it has taken me almost 30 years to realize this, but I am finally starting to become more comfortable with myself because I actually feel good about myself. It feels good to be eating healthier and knowing that I am making a better future for me. My goal is get into great shape....not by the number on the scale...but to really feel 100% happy with the work I have put in. To me, the scale is the last thing on my list. It doesn't define me. If I gain 10lbs well then so be it, but it won't be 10 pounds of fat...it's going to be muscle. I am in this for the long haul, and this time I am not and will not give up. No more excuses!

With that said, Day 2 was another good day. Upper Fix definitely had my arms and abs burning so I am sure I will be sore again tomorrow, but I am really enjoying these workouts more so than I have in the past. Until Day 3!!!

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